Punch Line 02

December 23rd: We Hotline Miami now?

The cat porn returns. I’ll take the opportunity to suggest you watch each episode once for the laughs and again to pick up all the clues that are scattered throughout each episode. This show promises to unravel in a humorously convoluted way.

Got a theory or off-the-wall speculation about the mysteries in this show? Come join the discussion here.

We’ve also made improvements to the encoding, so this and all future episodes will look spectacular. Episode 01 will also get a new encode soon.

Asteroid hurtling towards earth? Why not spend your last days fansubbing with us! We’re in special need of Typesetters and KFXers. Translators and translation checkers, skilled editors, and quality checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.